4 Amazing Long Points from Pickleball Matches You Have To Watch

They say that unforced errors are the key to the game, so in an ideal world pickleball points should last through endless hits as players return ball after ball. Of course, that’s not exactly how it plays out in real life, but among top level competitors you do end up seeing some truly epic rallies,
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Pickleball Quarantine – What Now?, Pickleball Channel, on April 10, 2020 at 5:41 am

With everyone in worldwide lockdown, life has changed. Staying safe at home is the norm and missing pickleball is something we are learning to live with. Join us as we share the latest updates from across the pickleball community. From recreational pickleball to the status of tournaments across the nation, Rusty Howes walks us through
-> Continue reading Pickleball Quarantine – What Now?, Pickleball Channel, on April 10, 2020 at 5:41 am