The service area on the leftThe service area on the left side of the court, when facing the net. The starting server in doubles or the singles server should be positioned on the left/odd side of the court when their score is odd. side of the courtThe area inside the outer dimensions of the baselines and sidelines., when facing the net. The starting serverFor each doubles team, the player designated to serve first at the start of the game. In doubles tournament play, the starting server shall wear a visible form of identification determined by the Tournament Director. in doubles
or the singles serverThe player who initiates a rally. Depending on the team’s score, it is possible that the player who serves may not be the correct server. should be positioned on the leftThe service area on the left side of the court, when facing the net. The starting server in doubles or the singles server should be positioned on the left/odd side of the court when their score is odd./odd side of the courtThe area inside the outer dimensions of the baselines and sidelines. when their score is oddThe service area on the left side of the court, when facing the net. The starting server in doubles or the singles server should be positioned on the left/odd side of the court when their score is odd..